健康, 健康, and Exercise Science - 教师


Assistant Professor and Co-Chair 

玛丽·弗林于1979年毕业于Benedictine College,获得健康体育和娱乐学士学位. 在艾奇逊天主教小学教了17年的书,还代课教了3年, Mary returned to Benedictine as an instructor in 健康, Physical Education 和娱乐 and Women’s Softball Coach in 1999. In 2001, 玛丽辞去了垒球教练的职务,担任兼职发音协调员的职位,她一直担任兼职教学,直到2007年8月她成为全职教师. 玛丽于2009年成为健康和运动科学联合主席,并于2010年成为主席.

Exercise Science Instructor 她普瑞特

Assistant Professor and Co-Chair

她普瑞特 is an Assistant Professor and Department Co-Chair in the 健康, 健康, and Exercise Science Department at Benedictine College. 她在堪萨斯州立大学获得运动机能学学士学位,主修运动生理学. 之后, she pursued Diagnostic Sonography education and worked in diverse hospitals, specializing in the emergency department and intensive 护理 unit.

Jaclyn接受了Hillyard技术中心/大都会社区学院诊断医学超声的项目总监职位. 在那里,她监督并教授超声检查,同时保持国家认证. She accepted three grant awards from proposal writings. 她以优异的成绩获得了中密苏里大学教育与领导专业的研究生学位. 此外,她还完成了Concordia St .的运动生理学研究生课程. 保罗.

An Atchison native, 杰奎琳·普鲁特自2020年以来一直是不列颠哥伦比亚省的教员,自2023年以来一直是联合主席. 她喜欢将现实生活中的例子引入课堂,她的使命是通过为将新知识太阳城官网于实际情况奠定基础,教会学生超越笔记的思维. Aside from teaching, she enjoys documentaries, exploring new coffee shops, reading (especially WWII era), and spending time with her close circle and children. 


Assistant Professor

考特尼俗称是hes的助理教授,并于2014年获得本尼迪克特学院健康领域的学士学位, 健康, and Exercise Science as well as played 大学 soccer for all four years. 她在密苏里西部州立大学继续接受教育,获得了体育和健身管理太阳城官网以及物理治疗师助理副学士学位. 这种双重关注为她的职业生涯奠定了基础,无缝融合了她对体育和医疗保健的热爱.
整整六年, Lewman worked at the Atchison Hospital, now known as Amberwell Atchison, in the Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Department.
In 2022, 当她加入她的母校时,她对教育的热情又回来了, 健康, and Exercise Science Department as an Assistant Professor. Lewman currently teaches courses such as Structural Anatomy, First 援助 and Personal Safety, Medical Terminology, 健康 for 生活, and a few others.
In 2018, Lewman married a fellow Atchison native, 和在一起, share the joy of raising two beautiful children. 在她空闲的时候, 鲁曼还在贝尔维尤乡村俱乐部帮助经营一家名为“贝尔维尤地堡”的小企业. She enjoys spending time with friends, 和家人, cheering for the Chiefs and the Jayhawks, 她喜欢花时间在球场上,或者和孩子们一起踢球. Lewman grew up in Independence, Missouri, and currently resides in Atchison, KS.


Assistant Professor

泰勒Jaso is an Assistant Professor in the 健康, 健康, and Exercise Science Department at Benedictine College. 泰勒还担任BC力量和调节专业的学位主任.

He earned his graduate degree from Emporia State University in 健康, Physical Education, 和娱乐. Tyler’s undergraduate degree is also from Emporia State University, where he majored in 健康 Promotion.

Tyler has had numerous stops throughout his 护理er, including the University of Wyoming, Bradley University, SLC Strength and Conditioning, Hesston大学, and Emporia State University. He has also had numerous volunteer opportunities at the high school, 大学, and professional levels.



Assistant Professor and 体育运动 SWA

安妮·哈特于2022年7月加入健康、健康和运动科学系. She is currently teaching 健康 for 生活, Physical Fitness, Pickleball, and Foundations of Human 运动. After beginning as an adjunct professor, 在2023-2024学年,哈特很快开始以兼职教师的身份教授额外的课程. 另外, Hart teaches the 健康, 运动, 以及为教育部门教学艺术硕士(MAT)项目的实践教师开设的体育活动课程. 哈特还担任本尼迪克特学院的高级女田径管理员.

Hart completed her Doctorate of Education (Ed.D.) at Rockhurst University in May 2022. Dr. 哈特在她的学生工作中利用了她对天主教学校动机的研究, 运动员, 和教练, 这是对本笃会以信仰和学术传统教育男女的使命的赞美. 

Before pursuing her Ed.D., 哈特于2015年获得密苏里大学堪萨斯城分校的高等教育太阳城官网,重点是体育管理. Hart’s undergraduate degree is also from Rockhurst University, where she majored in Elementary Education, graduating in 2011. 

Hart served as the PE Teacher and Athletic Director at St. Benedict Catholic School in Atchison from 2011-2022. Hart’s PE classes were a student favorite, 哈特作为一名教师和领导者的努力得到了认可,她被任命为艾奇逊退伍军人事务部1175年度教师和艾奇逊扶轮社2017年年度教师. In her role as Athletic Director at St. Benedict, Hart helped St. 本尼迪克特天主教学校将天主教信仰注入所有的体育项目中,并在六项运动中赢得了十几个联赛冠军. 哈特还担任过两届堪萨斯东北中学联盟的主席. 在圣. Benedict, Hart coached both track and field and volleyball. 

Hart grew up in Independence, Missouri and now lives in Atchison, Kansas. After moving to Atchison to begin her teaching 护理er, Hart has made it her home, 享受着美妙的艾奇逊社区,这里以本笃会式的热情好客而闻名.


Part Time Professor and Head Athletic Trainer

帕特里克·霍达普来到本尼迪克特作为助理运动教练,但很快成为首席运动教练在2003年. 在来到本尼迪克特学院之前,他在堪萨斯大学完成了本科和研究生学位.  此前,他曾在堪萨斯运动医学中心工作,并在2000年至2003年的冠军赛季担任堪萨斯城奇才队的助理运动教练.  Patrick then made the move to Benedictine College shortly after. As the Head Athletic Trainer, 帕特里克负责学生运动员的整体健康,重点是预防, 护理, 本尼迪克特学院650多名学生运动员的治疗和康复.  Patrick also teaches four classes in the HWES department as a part time faculty. He resides in Atchison with his wife (Lindsay) and daughter (Lilly).


Part Time Professor and Assistant Athletic Trainer

贾罗德克劳利 has served as an Athletic Trainer at Benedictine since 2004. Prior to beginning his 护理er at BC, Jarod在拉莫尼的格雷斯兰大学获得了运动训练和体育教育的双学位, 爱荷华州. 

After college, Jarod interned at Neosho County Community College in Chanute.  虽然, 他在2001年秋天获得了他的运动训练证书,并被聘为全职员工运动教练.

In the fall of 2002, Jarod回到密苏里州玛丽维尔的西北密苏里州立大学研究生院,在那里他获得了教育太阳城官网,重点是体育管理.

As an Athletic Trainer, Jarod's main duties include the 护理, 预防, and rehabilitation of the student-athlete population here at Benedictine College.


Part Time Professor and Registered Dietician

Biography coming soon
